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Re: Mapbox GL plugin removed from QtLocation package

On miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2017 02:49:46 -03 Thiago Santos wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
> Packaging it as a separated .deb sounds like a good idea to me.

The best one.

> All the dependencies at the 3rd party are header only and a good chunk
> developed by
> Mapbox itself (but internally we reuse them inother projects). Not sure if
> it would be worth
> packaging them separately and as a dependency to the plugin package.

Yes, it still is.
> We use this explicitly because we would like to lock into a version that we
> run tests
> and consider the Mapbox GL as a whole stable. It would not cause
> duplication in
> binary code, as they are C++ templates and get inlined anyway.

Much like Eigen. But still better if they live in their own package.

> About the json.org and JSON_checker code, it is not shipped into the Mapbox
> Qt,
> source or binary. That LICENSE.md file covers the whole mapbox-gl-native
> repo
> before stripping the unused code for the Qt build.
> - json.org code we use for our Android SDK (that got stripped out from the
> package)
> https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/blob/master/platform/android/Mapb
> oxGLAndroidSDKTestApp/src/main/java/com/mapbox/mapboxsdk/testapp/utils/GeoPa
> rseUtil.java#L8
> - JSON_checker is used by Rapid JSON test suite (also removed from the
> package)
> https://github.com/Tencent/rapidjson/tree/master/bin/jsonchecker
> I think I should remove the LICENSE.md file from that repo and keep only
> this one:
> https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-native/blob/qt-> staging/

I would prefer if mapbox gets packaged and maintained by someone knowledgeable 
of it and then we can work out how to use it from our package.

Cheers, Lisandro.

Background: des y lisandropm comparten el nombre Damián
<des> lisandropm: en qué año naciste? quiero saber si contás como arte
      previo y debo eliminarte o no
<lisandropm> des 13 de julio de 1982
<des> lisandropm: estás en el horno
<lisandropm> des:. vos?
<des> 8 serptimbre mismo año
<marga> des: no entiendo, vos sos posterior.
<des> marga: por eso, lisandropm cuenta como arte previo, por lo que tengo
      que 'hacerlo desaparecer' para que mi patente no esté taan llena de
<des> despues es cuestión de borrar de la wikipedia todos los articulos de
      'Damian'es y listo
* lisandropm llama desesperado a su abogado

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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