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Bug#796956: Explanation

severity 796956 important

OK everyone this is really not a serious bug (actually I still don't think 
this is a bug at all). I'll keep it open until we get Qt 5.6 into the archive 
with a "fix".

Let's start with the basics: sadly libqt5xcbqpa5 is a missnamed package. it 
should have been something along qt5-xcb-platform-plugin... because it's a 
plugin which happens to ship a private lib (that's why we accidentally 
misnamed it).

Now the reasoning: Qt 5 now works with "platform" plugins and not necessarily 
just on X. That means that as long as you don't depend on X-exclusive stuff 
(or any other platform-dependant code) you can run a Qt5 app on the 
frambuffer, Wayland and other interesting places.

So, strictly speaking, libqt5xcbqpa5 (which again should have been named as a 
plugin) is not a strict dependency, and thus the recommendation. And people 
not using recommendations should handle it by hand.

Now what we are planning to do.

Ideally this plugins would be shipped separately as each of them pull 
different dependencies... but we had quite some complaints about this so far.

We checked that if we push all the plugins to libqt5gui5 the total amount of 
extra dependencies is ~3MiB consisting purely in libs (ie, not dragging 
daemons nor any kind of apps) so we will go this way for the time being.

If at some point the amount of extra dependencies increases significantly we 
will split them again. Time will tell.

I'm now leaving this non-bug opened as important just to let people now that 
there is really no bug and how to solve this issue. I will close it with Qt 
5.6.x if we get to merge the plugins.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

Cuando tenga duda, utilice la solución mas simple.
  Principio de William Occam, también llamado
  "la navaja de Occam"

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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