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Bug#774141: kdevelop-python should be renamed kdevelop-python3

Package: kdevelop-python
Version: 1.7.0-1

https://packages.debian.org/sid/kdevelop-python gives the description
of this package as "Python 3 plugin for KDevelop". Normally IIUC
python3 related packages are marked as python3 and not just as python.
I submit that it would be advisable to rename the package as
kdevelop-python3 and instead package the Python 2 plugin as

(Should I report a separate bug asking for Py 2 plugin?)

Downstream Kubuntu has already independently packaged the Python 2
plugin as kdev-python since last two releases
and is also now inheriting the kdevelop-python package from Debian
(http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/vivid/kdevelop-python) which leads
to an infelicitous naming situation there i.e. kdev-python for Py 2 vs
kdevelop-python for Py 3.

While I am going to report a separate bug downstream to align with
Debian on the naming issue, I believe Debian should also rename the
kdevelop-python package to kdevelop-python3 to make way for
kdevelop-python for a Py 2 package.


Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा

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