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Re: Qt5 PATH Issue in HsQML Packaging

On Thursday 11 December 2014 09:52:45 Christopher Reichert wrote:
> Hello Debian Qt/KDE maintenance team,

Hi Christopher!
> I am packaging the HsQML[0] library on behalf of the Debian Haskell
> Group. HsQML is a Haskell binding for Qt Quick and used to create QML
> GUI's in Haskell.
> HsQML relies on certain qt5 tools such as moc in the PATH in order to
> build and in order to build other applications using HsQML as a library.
> My problem is that only the qt5-default package seems to provide
> this. Of course, adding qt5-default to the package depends will throw a
> Lintian error:
> https://lintian.debian.org/tags/build-depends-on-metapackage.html
> I'm sure this is not the first time this has been asked but I couldn't
> find any concrete information to solve this.

Please take a look at [0]. I really should write that down on our alioth's web 

[0] <http://perezmeyer.blogspot.com.ar/2013/08/qt-in-debian-using-qt4-andor-qt5-in.html>

> Currently, my packaging is at:
> darcs.debian.org:/darcs/pkg-haskell/haskell-hsqml
> Any advice on what would be best practice?

The above will solve the building stage. Now you might hit a problem at 
runtime. For example, if you call moc, by default Qt4's moc will be used. So 
you need to somehow tell the system you need the Qt5 version.

Take a look at qtchooser's man page, but it basically boils down to either 
passing -qt5 to each qt-related tool invocation or setting QT_SELECT to Qt5 
just to your program (for example, using a script to set the env variable and 
then calling the binary).

We know it's not pretty, but it's what we currently have here.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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