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Re: Qt4/5 library name extensions

On 6 December 2014 at 03:31, Gudjon I. Gudjonsson <gudjon@gudjon.org> wrote:
> Hi Lisandro
> Thanks for the answer
>> Hi Gudjon! I barely missed the mail.
>> The naming scheme comes from upstream. But it is indeed based on
>> recommendations, as you need to keep a proper soname.
>> I quickly glanced over Rex Dieter's mails, and the suggestions seems sane
>> enough.
>> Qt5Qwt is not bad, but may be like stepping over Qt's upstream's toes.
>> Kinds regards, Lisandro.
> The problem with Qwt is that there is no extension for the Qt versions.
> I and Fathi added -qt3.so, -qt4.so to the Qwt5 library names 8 years ago and
> this created problems when people were trying to build software depending on
> Qwt to have this Debian specific extension.
> Then Qwt6 came and Fathi dropped the -qt4 extension and now one is needed for
> Qt5.
> Having official guidelines on how to coinstall libraries for different Qt
> versions is preferable to avoid having to patch programs depending on Qwt,
> Qwtplot3d and other similar libraries.

And it's the same at what Rex points here. Having a way directly in
upstream to set this.

> AFAIK no one is stepping on anyones toes.

Using libQt5* might be. Remember that Qt's upstream are using that
namespace already.
libfoo4-qt5, making foo4-qt5 part of the soname, while not pretty
works just fine.

> Uwes proposal was to follow
> OpenSuSe, or libQt5Qwt.so.6. But there seem to be different patches for the
> OpenSuSe system making the library names as
> libQt5Qwt.so.6 or libqwt-qt5.so.6 which proves the point that guidelines would
> be preferable.

There is really no more guidelines than keeping two separate sonames
for the Qt4 and
Qt5 versions. You can even take a look at Phonon to see how they do
that directly from
CMakeLists.txt (in casw qwt uses CMake). There are also examples for qmake out
in the wild.

And please tell Uwe that installing into different directories is not
a sane option. Just keeping
sonames different is enough.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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