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Bug#737779: systemsettings: No sound output when configuring the speakers due to missing dependencies

¡Hola Ferran!

El 2014-03-10 a las 12:47 +0100, Ferran Obón Santacana escribió:
> On Sunday 09 February 2014 16:46:30 you wrote:
> > I don't have either of those two packages installed and the sound setup
> > works fine for me. I'm currently using the vlc backend using alsa directly
> > (without pulseaudio), if you are using pulseaudio I would expect that
> > you'll need vlc-pulse or gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio to be installed, but not
> > libcanberra-pulse. Could you please provide some extra information?

> > How are you testing the output?
> > Which sound backend are you using (gstreamer or vlc)?
> > Which output for that backend are you using?

> I installed a debian operating system on a new computer this weekend and I
> have found out that this is still happening under vlc backend despite having
> vlc-plugin-pulse installed. No further configuration is performed and the
> audio goes through pulseaudio

> Installing the aforementioned packages solves the issue.

Currently I'm using pulseaudio I don't have neither libcanberra-pulse nor
sound-theme-freedesktop installed and the sound in my system is working, that's
with gstreamer and with vlc backends, so I really don't see a reason to
add the dependencies.

I requested some additional information before:
How are you testing the output?
Which sound backend are you using (gstreamer or vlc)?
Which output for that backend are you using?

Additionally it would be useful if you can provide a list of packages that
were installed when you fixed your sound output, this information can be
retrieved from the /var/log/dpkg.log file.

"A computer program does what you tell it to do, not what you want it to do."
-- Greer's Law
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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