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Bug#717338: Questions

Hi Diane,

Am Mittwoch, 14. August 2013, 00:07:35 schrieb Diane Trout:
> You may want to try reporting your bug at bugs.kde.org or asking in
> #nepomuk- kde or #kontact on freenode.net. I'm just a new contributor and
> am trying to learn the KMail2 code base while trying to help you.
Thanks for your ambition. What is more generelly spoken the standard
way for bugreports: Using the debian way or contact the developer of
the software package?
And btw, why are you sending the answers of the bugreport to all this
email addresses (quiet, submitter, the bugreport number)?

I will have to check submitting the bugreport again to kde people,
but I am away on business / holiday the next 2 weeks and so my
time is somewhat limited.

> You might be find some new errors from nepomuk by restarting the
> nepomukserver in a shell.
> $ qdbus org.kde.NepomukServer /nepomukserver quit
> # wait for it to quit
> $ nepomukserver
> (from http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Nepomuk/ManagingNepomukProcesses )
No change observed.

> Though I think the component you really need to watch is
> akonadi_nepomuk_feeder, but I don't know how to start it from the shell.
All the info I know is using akonadiconsole, remove akonadi_nepomuk_feeder,
enable debug, add it again.

> I did also find akonadictl.
> akonadictl status
> does give a report if akonadi thinks search is working.
The report contains no additional meaningful details
> Another debugging technique might be create a new user, configure kmail with
> a simple resource and see if that works, and then slowly copy in your
> current mail resources.
With a complete new user the result on starting nepomukpimindexer I get:
mailtest@hagrid:~$ nepomukpimindexerutility
nepomukpimindexerutility(13316) FeederPluginloader::feederPluginsForMimeType: 
No feeder for type  "inode/directory"  found
nepomukpimindexerutility(13316) FeederQueue::jobResult: "SQLExecDirect failed 
on query 'sparql delete { graph 
<nepomuk:/ctx/f436ccfe-1510-4e3f-8058-05a25d22b5e2> { 
. <nepomuk:/res/be1a6709-5533-451d-a74d-3ec091158faa> 
<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://akonadi-project.org/ontologies/aneo#AkonadiDataObject> . 
<http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/08/15/nao#prefLabel> "Mail" .  
} }' (iODBC Error: [OpenLink][Virtuoso iODBC Driver][Virtuoso Server]SQ074: 
Line 1: SP031: SPARQL compiler: No FROM GRAPH IDENTIFIED BY clause and no 
default graph specified in the preamble)"
nepomukpimindexerutility(13316) FeederQueue::jobResult: "SQLExecDirect failed 
on query 'sparql delete { graph 
<nepomuk:/ctx/f436ccfe-1510-4e3f-8058-05a25d22b5e2> { 
. <nepomuk:/res/be1a6709-5533-451d-a74d-3ec091158faa> 
<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://akonadi-project.org/ontologies/aneo#AkonadiDataObject> . 
<http://www.semanticdesktop.org/ontologies/2007/08/15/nao#prefLabel> "Mail" .  
} }' (iODBC Error: [OpenLink][Virtuoso iODBC Driver][Virtuoso Server]SQ074: 
Line 1: SP031: SPARQL compiler: No FROM GRAPH IDENTIFIED BY clause and no 
default graph specified in the preamble)"

So IMHO it is not my direct configuration but a corrupt configuration in my
installation or: a bug

> My configuration is a fairly simple single disconnected IMAP server.
> You mentioned using mailbox, but your log message had an entry "no feeder
> for type inode/directory". I was assuming the akonadi_nepomuk_feeder was
> indexing all the mail. I suppose there's a chance that mailbox is being
> indexed using nepomukfileindexer. (Is it running?)
I'm using POP3 with local maildir. The file indexer is working fine. Searching
for file names or pdf contents is working. The complete home directory
(including mail) is checked for search, but: 
If I try to search for mails i.e. with dolphin, I get no results. I can see no
relevant exclude file pattern in the settings.

Can you tell something about the schedule for kde / kdepim 4.11?
Perhaps behaviour is different?

    Volker Groll

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