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Bug#712476: virtuoso-opensource-6.1: virtuoso-t uses almost 100% CPU over >100 minutes now

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> I am disabling desktop search again, but I am happy to provide more
> data if needed.

This may come from an incompatibility with older nepomuk stuff in the 
database. Or something along that.

There is a workaround:

- Close your KDE session.
- Unsing a console, remove akonadi's database. Make a backup if you need data 
from it, although I'm not sure how you can recover it. And, AFAIK, it can be 

  rm ~.kde/share/apps/nepomuk/repository/main/data/virtuosobackend/*

- Log in to you kde session again. This time virtuoso *will* come up consuming 
CPU and disk usage, but once it gets the first pass done, it behaves much 

As a note, I understand that it's CPU usage gets even better in KDE 4.11.

Please try it and tell us what happened.

"In college, I cooked some hot dogs by putting metal forks in each end of the
hot dog and running 120 volts through it. Hot dogs have just enough
conductivity so that this works well"
  greenroom(576281) - on a truly geeky way to cook hot dogs.
  Posted in Slashdot, also found in The Open Source Cookbook for Geeks.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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