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Bug#1030748: tracker.debian.org doesn't display the correct linux kernel rc upstream version

On 07/02/23 at 09:49 +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> On 07/02/2023 09.41, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > But with >30000 source packages to monitor, we're not able to verify new
> > releases each hour. It's a process that is spread over a longer period...
> I don't know if this is already done, but from historic release data it
> might be possible to derive packages that are updated frequently and
> therefore should be scanned more often.

We currently don't really have historical data about new upstream
releases (as seen from the uscan scanner). What could be done is to
define a policy based on the number of new upstream releases uploaded to
Debian (looking at the upload_history table) over the last 1 or 2 years.

What would have to be done is:
1. add a SQL function to extract the upstream version from a debversion
postgresql type.
2. count the new upstream versions uploaded to Debian for each package.
Something like:
select source, count(distinct(extract_upstream(version))) as cnt from
upload_history where current_timestamp - interval '2 years' < date
group by source
3. Update rimporters/upstream.rb to change the policy from the static 72
hours to a variation based on the number of new upstream versions.

However that sounds low priority given that this is the first complaint
about the 72 hours delay being too long, while that importer was
introduced in 2017.


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