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Bug#1001190: tracker.debian.org: news: emails: show Message-ID header, link to lists.d.o/msgid-search

On Mon, 2021-12-06 at 21:56 +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> Why do you want a lists.debian.org link when you already have a
> tracker.debian.org link pointing to the same content?

I don't want a tracker.d.o link. Mainly I want a link with a Message-ID
in it, which are more likely to be long-term and supported by multiple
message archives than other software-specific links.

> Also there's no guaranty that all news are properly recorded in a Debian
> mailing lists. I assume testing migration mails aren't for example.

Sure, but most are and some of the mails that go to unarchived mailing
lists are archived on external services linked from the lists.d.o
Message-ID search 404 page. The testing migration mails definitely
aren't archived on lists.d.o right now but if @packages.d.o mails ever
get forwarded to lists.d.o and archived then they could be. Also filed
#1001254 to make tracker.d.o mail archives searchable by Message-ID.

> And this would be a feature that is really specific to Debian too,
> while the news feature is very generic and cleanly mixing both would
> require again some abstraction to add a vendor-specific behaviour in a
> generic part.

Not necessarily, there are several options for this that would make it
a very generic feature, some ideas:

When the List-Archive header exists and contains a URL, the link could
be to that URL. This works for Debian lists and mailman lists and
probably other types of lists too.

distro-tracker could have a list of domains that are known to have
Message-ID search URLs and then map the List-Id to those URLs.

For domains that have no Message-ID search URLs but do have archive
links for the Maintainer field, the link could be to just the top-level
archive link used for the Maintainer field.

Once #1001254 is implemented, then the link could be to the DPT
Message-ID search, in a similar way to how lists.d.o links to its
Message-ID search from the Message-ID field in its archives.

> In short, I find the cost really high for a relatively small value
> added.

I think the options I presented above are generic enough to have a low
enough cost. For cases not covered by them I think as a compromise, it
would be reasonable to just show the Message-ID header with no link.
That would allow copy-pasting the Message-ID to external services:




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