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Re: Putting cross-build status info somewhere useful

+++ Paul Wise [2012-11-01 16:18 +0800]:
> On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 8:46 AM, Wookey wrote:
> > I've been running a cross-buildd for a while now (if somewhat
> > sporadically), which builds a subset of packages using standard debian
> > (emdebian.org) toolchains in standard sbuild chroots, to determine
> > which packages are currently cross-buildable using multiarch mechanisms.
> Excellent.
> What would it take to expand that to the full archive built all the time?

A machine set up to do the builds. Ubuntu are planning to set this up
for all of main over next couple of months (in the form of Colin
Watson, who groks buildd (current set-up uses hacked rebuildd and is
not entirely satisfactory or reliable). It should be possible to set up nearly
identical config for Ubuntu and Debian if we have somewhere to do it.

Do we have a box that can just run builds all the time?

> > And apprently something like this (along with a reader) is what is
> > needed to put the info in UDD (from whence it could be consumed by
> > other software).
> If you want to implement this yourself, tips below, otherwise, please
> provide the summary file you mentioned above and report a bug against
> qa.debian.org about it.
> The PTS is not UDD based so you need to implement separate
> downloading/parsing for both right now.
> I don't know much about UDD but for the PTS check out the code:
> svn://svn.debian.org/svn/qa/trunk/pts/www
> Add some commands to the bin/update_incoming.sh script so that your
> summary file gets downloaded into the incoming directory.
> Edit the bin/other_to_xml.py script to load the summary file. The
> lintian summary file is similar so I would suggest looking at how this
> is done and adapting it.
> Edit the xsl/pts.xsl template file to add a new issue-crossbuild
> template to the todo-list template.
> You will also want to add a link to the crossbuild status in the links
> box at the right, probably in the buildd: item after the ports link,
> so something like "buildd: logs, exp, ports, cross".
> As far as testing it goes, you probably want to do that by logging
> into qa.d.o and copying the existing data to your home directory. You
> will want to look at the bin/do_all.sh script to find out what to run.
> bin/generate_html.sh is the script that generates the HTML and takes a
> list of package names on stdin, which is handy for testing.

Thanks for the comprehensive response. I'll look into that.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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