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intend to hijack sqlalchemy package

I'm using python-sqlalchemy a lot and one of my packages (griffith) will                    
depend on it soon. Sqlalchemy is under heavily development (there are 6                    
new upstream releases since last upload on 2006-04-02).                    
I tried to contact Tommi Virtanen (sqlalchemy's maintainer) since first                    
may 2006 with no result, I have also reported a bug against sqlalchemy                    
with proposition to take over (#369371). As far as I can tell (I'm                    
not a DD), Tommi is on a vacations. His packages has 2 RC bugs and in one                    
of them you can find his last words (#356394)                    
What I intend to do:                    
* upload (NMU) 0.1.4-1.1 (new python policy update)                    
* wait for Tommi's approval and upload (another NMU) 0.2.2-0.1                    
* if I will get permission, adopt sqlalchemy and maintain it as a part of                    
  Debian Python Modules Team (I'm DPMT member)                    
Is it ok with you?

PS Please CC me on reply
-=[     Piotr Ozarowski     ]=-
-=[ http://www.ozarowski.pl ]=-

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