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Re: Fresh bug info for PTS

* Raphael Hertzog (hertzog@debian.org) [040503 07:55]:
> Quoting Jeroen van Wolffelaar:
> > Hi Raphaël,
> > 
> > At http://www.wolffelaar.nl/~jeroen/pts.bugs.txt you can find fresh
> > (pushed from spohr, directly regenerated) bug information for the PTS.
> > New bugsummaries are moved over, so you should never get only a part of
> > the file.
> > 
> > Andreas Barth told me he knew where you fetched the bugstuff from, and
> > wgetted the file to there on master, but it seems he's mistaken as the
> > PTS pages have been updated, but still don't have fres bug information.

> I used to generate the stuff on merkel but somehow merkel web config
> doesn't allow me anymore to export the file via my account :
> http://merkel.debian.org/~hertzog/pts/bugs.txt

That's because merkel doesn't know any account of the name hertzog,
and as there is no such account, no cron jobs are run, and no user web
pages are available.

> That's why the data are out of date ... I was too lazy to change it back
> again. Now, I have switched to your file but I'd like to have that on a
> .debian.org site for the longer term.

I really believe efforts should be to
1. unrestrict merkel ASAP
2. commit all changes to cvs and create the documents out of

I'll look into the second half of it.

   PGP 1024/89FB5CE5  DC F1 85 6D A6 45 9C 0F  3B BE F1 D0 C5 D1 D9 0C

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