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Re: Could use some web page listing how to report DD MIA

[Martin Michlmayr]
> Hmm, I'll put in a link.
> http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/ch-beyond-pkging.en.html#s-mia-qa

Thanks. :)

> Yes, by email, as outlined above.  Although I wonder whether it should
> be sent to debian-qa@lists or mia@qa.

OK.  I'll try to find time to look into it, and report back if he seem
to be missing.

> In any case, I think Gopal is active; he made several uploads in the
> last few months, the last one about 2 weeks ago.  Did you try to
> contact him?

Not yet.  I started as I usually in these cases, with a wishlist bug
telling him that there is a new upstream version available.  If he is
around, he should hopefully respond to that one in a reasonable time.

Finding the badly maintained package just reminded me that I still
haven't investigated how MIA developers should be reported, and
decided to do that now. :)

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