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Changing hatchling shared-data installation directory: /usr/etc -> /etc

I'm trying to package jupyter-server-terminals, and have hit a snag.
The pyproject.toml file includes the lines:

"jupyter-config" = "etc/jupyter/jupyter_server_config.d"

but the resulting file is installed at

Now, I can obviously move this to its correct location in debian/rules
(either directly or using an appropriate dh-recognised file in
debian/), but I wonder whether there is a "better" way to do this.  Is
there a way to tell hatchling that shared-data should be installed in
/ rather than in /usr?  Or if I tell hatchling to use / as the base
directory, would that mess everything else up?

I couldn't figure it out from a quick skim of the hatchling docs, so
any thoughts or pointers would be welcome.



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