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Re: Salsa: Setup tokens

Hi Christian,

Thanks for working on the documentation!

Op Tue, Mar 19, 2024 at 10:54:43AM +0000 schreef c.buhtz@posteo.jp:
> Hello,
> this is not a regular support message. I was not able to find clear
> information in the wiki or somewhere else. Please point me to it if exist.
> My intention is to improve the related wiki pages about it.
> The command "salsa create_repo" do not work because of a missing
> SALSA_TOKEN. Technically it is clear to me why this happens. My question is
> how am I supposed to handle that in the context of DPT and its policy.
> The error message:
>     salsa warn: SALSA_TOKEN not set in configuration files. Some commands
> may fail
>     salsa warn: Project not created: Error POSTing
> https://salsa.debian.org/api/v4/projects (HTTP 401): Unauthorized
> {"message":"401 Unauthorized"} at
> /usr/share/perl5/Devscripts/Salsa/create_repo.pm line 36.
> OK, I logged into Salsa and navigated to "User Settings" -> "Access Tokens".
> I assume I have to create a "Personal Access Tokens" instead of a "Feed
> Token" or "Incoming mail token"?
> Are there any suggestions or recommendations from DPT about the "Expiration
> date"?
> What is about "select scopes"? I see 10 unchecked items. They are described
> but it is not totally clear for new users what they are about or what the
> implications are. Any recommendations from DPT about that? Just select all?
> A more broad question: I never used tokens before. I do use SSH keys when
> accessing Codeberg, GitHub or something else. Are this tokens a replacement
> for SSH keys? Should I prefer one of this two methods?

I can answer some of your questions, but not all of them.  What I usually do:

Get a personal access token "somesecret" from the salsa web interface.  Then:

 $ touch ~/.salsa-token
 $ chmod og-r ~/.salsa-token
 $ echo somesecret > ~/.salsa-token
 $ SALSA_TOKEN=`cat ~/.salsa-token`

For some actions, the salsa(1) tool (and/or gitlab on salsa.d.o) seems to need
such a token.  An SSH key is not always enough.

HTH, Bye,


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