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Feature Request (docu): Define "dsc-file"


this is a feature request to someone who has access and the knowledge to improve.

Description of the problem:

The second paragraph in <https://wiki.debian.org/Python/GitPackaging#Creating_a_new_package> tell me about importing a "dsc-file" without explaining what a dsc-file is or why I have to import it. The knowledge background is missing.

There is a hyper link behind the text "import an existing .dsc file" pointing to <https://wiki.debian.org/PackagingWithGit/GitDpm/ImportDsc>. Regarding that URL I assume this wiki entry is not maintained by DPT. But it also do not explain about dsc-file.

Suggested solution:
Create or locate the dsc-file definition in the wiki. It should be an extra page. Then just use a hyperlink in your own docu to point to that definition.

    "import an existing .dsc file"
     ^^^^^^             ^^^^^^^^^
     I                  L <https://wiki.debian.org/DSC-DEFINITION>
     L <https://wiki.debian.org/PackagingWithGit/GitDpm/ImportDsc>

Please let me know if there is another "channel" where I should open such requests.

Thanks in advance
Christian Buhtz

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