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Re: Suggesting change in DPT policy

On 3/2/24 23:09, Christian Kastner wrote:
Not going to name names, but I've seen this with packages I've worked
on: I put a lot of effort into cleaning things up, making things robust,
getting docs to build, tests to pass, collaborating with upstream,
fixing reverse dependencies, and then someone spends a few minutes to
upload a new version with total disregard for what the other
maintainer(s) were doing.

Things like "oh, documentation doesn't build anymore, I'll just disable
it", rather than fixing it. Or "oh, these tests don't pass anymore, I'll
just disable them", rather than looking into the regression. "Oh, my
upload triggered a transition, I'm no longer interested in this".

(This are all things that have happened to me.)

All that stuff is then left for others to clean up. And if one is
unlucky enough, this doesn't just cause work for the package, but for
all reverse dependencies.

I've seen careless uploads and mistakes too (and done my part of bad uploads a few times as well). There's one thing that can save us all from this: a lot of autopkgtest in every package, and uploading packages with a lot of reverse dependencies to Experimental first, then fixing the excuse page before an upload to unstable.

I did this for flask 2.2 and werkzeug, and saw Carsten Schoenert doing the same with flask 3. It's a proven safe workflow. For this, you don't really need to know the said transitioning package. I very much hope we all move into this direction, even if that means more work and follow-up with reverse dependency maintainers.


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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