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Re: can pip be made using local Debian packages for any dependencies

On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 5:35 PM Stefano Rivera <stefanor@debian.org> wrote:
> You sure it isn't doing an isolated build? Try --no-build-isolation.

I absolutely am not :D (I'm really not a Python expert... or about
it's various build systems, pip, etc.).

And that seems to have done the trick.
And it further seems that there's a counter part with which I can do
python3 -m build
namely: --no-isolation

Am I right that these options simply mean that it doesn't use a venv
for the build, thereby "seeing" Debian's already installed packages
(or better said the eggs/wheels/whatsoever from them)?

Just for my confirmation:
If my goal is to simply never ever have pip/build/etc. download
anything from some location, but only use local sources (e.g. stuff
from Debian package) is the following safe?

I set /etc/pip.conf to:
no-index = true
index-url = https://localhost/
cert = /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/dummy.crt

(guess in principle the no-index should already be enough)

It seems to work (in the sense of blocking downloads) for both, pip
and python -m build ... but I don't quite understand why it also works
for build (thought that was independent of pip).

Awesome! Thanks guys :-)


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