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request to join the team


since I want to make more for Debian than "only" being listmaster, I
started with packaging again. I'd like to contribute by packaging some
applications and/or modules, to learn (again) how to package; my last
package was http-analyze, around 15 years ago ;)

since a friend of mine would like to use the Python-Module
"minimodbus", I started packaging this module. The Git-Repository is
https://salsa.debian.org/wagner/minimalmodbus , which should give you
a ready-to-build environment.

I have read
and accept it.

right now I only use quilt for patches, but mainly because my tests
with gbp pq didn't work well. I think I have to give that another try.
I have no problem to put the team in the Maintainers field. I prefer
that more than one person take care for any package since I want to
avoid single point of contact-sitations.

Could someone please check the Git-Repository and tell me wether I
have done mistakes? gbp buildpackage works fine on my machine, the two
packages (module and module-doc) come out fine; lintian only complains
about missing doc-base.

I will - if that is okay with you - join the #debian-python channel
later for direct communication.

best regards, Hanno Wagner
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | Rince@IRC      |
| Eine gewerbliche Nutzung meiner Email-Adressen ist nicht gestattet! |
| 74 a3 53 cc 0b 19 - we did it!          |    Generation @           |
       "Wer zwei linke Hände hat, sollte die Rechte studieren"
    (AG Köln, Urt. v. 12.10.1984 - 226 C 356/84 -, NJW 1986, 1266f.) 

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