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Re: add to the DPMT team

Hi Folks,

Could you please re-add me to DPMT team ?
I switched from my keuko-guest salsa account to my DD account kevko@debian.org.

Michal Arbet (kevko)

čt 15. 2. 2018 v 10:47 odesílatel Michal Arbet <michal.arbet@ultimum.io> napsal:
Hello Guys,

Could you please add me to DPMT team ?

Why do I want to join a team ?
Now I am  part of Openstack-team and there was discussed that many python packages will be moved to DPMT team , so I want to continue with contributing to Openstack via DPMT team.

What is my alioth login ?

I've already read https://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/policy.html .
Accept and uderstand.

If you have some questions on me , you can push me via email, irc ..
mail : michal.arbet@ultimum.io
irc: keuko  <- #debian-python on OFTC

Thank you very much
Have a nice day

Michal Arbet ( kevin )

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