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Re: Python 2, Python 3, Stretch & Buster

On Monday, April 20, 2015 12:04:14 PM Enrico Zini wrote:
> HOWEVER. I am the only person currently looking after all that code, and
> my development time on it is mostly spent fixing bugs and implementing
> the features that make it useful. See for example [1] and [2] for the
> kind of things that are on top of my todo list.
> So, I would welcome help. However, I still have nightmares from the
> time of active 2.x development, where at every 2.x python upgrade some
> bits of my code started spitting deprecation warnings or stopped
> working, and I had to take a day off work to rush into a very unpleasant
> emergency forward port, tracking down arbitrary API breakages caused by
> someone with commit rights to the python stdlib who had a different
> concept of "obscure" than me[3].
> At the moment, I have a strong guarantee from the python core developers
> that my code WILL keep working until 2020, and I will NOT have that
> guarantee if I migrate to python 3. I would laugh at this, if it didn't
> make me cry first. See my comments at [4].
> So, if I am left to my own devices, I will *not* consider any porting
> effort until late 2019, to make sure that between here and 2020 I will
> need to do porting only once from 2 to 3, instead of who knows how many
> times from 2.x to 3.4, then from 3.x to 3.x+n at every new Debian stable
> release.
> With help (i.e. with people doing the porting work, who I'm happy to
> assist), I'm glad to migrate to python 3. But help MUST come also with
> someone taking responsibility for guaranteeing that they will ALSO do
> the porting work in the future, chasing whatever will break with new 3.x
> versions.
> That is a tricky guarantee to make from my point of view, because it has
> already happened that at first there was a committed group, and then at
> some point things broke, everyone was busy, my ass was the only one on
> the line, and I ended up having to take time (two /weeks/ in one
> occasion) off paid work for emergency remediation.
> I have a massive amount of stable code deployed, and it *is* being used.
> In my experience this is a use case that the python core developers are
> not taking much into account[5], so I'm playing defensive until I see a
> strong sign that that attitude has changed.

I feel your pain.  You aren't the first person I've heard this perspective 

Fortunately, it's generally possible to make code bi-lingual python/python3 
(much easier than it was with python3 << python3.3).  From a porting to and 
being ready for python3 perspective, it might make sense to work towards 
making your code base bi-lingual and then switching interpreters at whatever 
the right time is would be 'not hard'.

I think the porting team would do most of the work, we'd just need you to 
review and integrate changes as they come along.


Scott K

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