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Re: Python packaging help.

On Mar 31, 2015, at 01:14 PM, Balasankar C wrote:

>One more doubt. Where are new packages uploaded to in Python Modules
>Team? Is there a git repo or should I upload to Debian Mentors?

The team still officially supports only Subversion, but we have been
experimenting with switching to git.


I personally favor and advocate git-dpm, but this has not yet been decided by
the team.  I'd like for the team to make the switch very soon after Jessie is
released, and I would personally be comfortable switching now.  We'll need to
decide a few things before we can do that:

* Do we adopt git-dpm or something else?
* Do we migrate all packages at once or one-at-a-time as needed?
* Do we try to keep all svn history, or just upload history?

See also:


I'm sure there's more I'm missing.  I would definitely like to keep this on
the radar.


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