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Re: django-ajax-selects

On Tuesday, July 30, 2013 16:15:58 Brian May wrote:
> On 30 July 2013 15:52, Scott Kitterman <debian@kitterman.com> wrote:
> > The package name is incorrect.  Per the python policy, the binary name
> > should
> > be python-ajax-select.  That's the module name.
> Really? I thought it was based on the package name. So I guess this means I
> got my other package, already uploaded to Debian, wrong:
> python-django-filter instead of python-django-filters :-(.
> Oh wait, I see it now in the policy. I had to reread it several times.
> "The binary package for module foo should preferably be named python-foo,
> if the module name allows, but this is not required if the binary package
> ships multiple modules. In the latter case the maintainer chooses the name
> of the module which represents the package the most."
> However the word "preferably" suggests this is optional.

In a sense, the entire Python policy is "optional".  It's not project policy 
and failing to follow it isn't an RC bug.  In this case though I read it as 
should be named python-foo unless you are shipping multiple modules.  Since 
this package only has one, the unless doesn't apply.

Scott K

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