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Re: "Meet your Debian Developers"

Heya Joost!

Good to know you wouldn't mind, I didn't remember so I thought to put that there just in case,

And for the mode, really whatever the person on the other end is more comfortable with, and that was kind of my thought, for them to be a dialogue starter where I could have a conversation with someone, while keeping some sense of a format and that becomes easier to boil down into shorter form which I thought would be better for this? though I don't have definitive plan on that yet.

Nothing to thank me for, just my part of the work.


On 15/10/23 17:57, Joost van Baal-Ilić wrote:
Hi Yashraj,

On Sun, Oct 15, 2023 at 05:02:48PM +0530, Yashraj Moghe wrote:
I have created a list of people and put some questions together with some
context on the questions and what I expect, from them, this is the bare
minimum but I think with feedback and I can quickly grow this, I have added
everything form my working text document below, theres still load of people
missing and improvements but yes.

# Meet your Debian Developers

Interesting DebConf people (Mostly surely not just people I want to interact
more with)
- Enrico Zini
- (Pirate) Praveen Arimbrathodiyil
- Kunal Mehta
- Ben Hutchings
- Tzafrir Cohen
- Alper Nebi Yasak
- urbec (?)
- Sruthi Chandaran
- Joost van Baal-ilić (?)
^ I'd be happy to be interviewed (but iirc I've said that before...)

- Rhonda D'vine

## Quick Question Format

: "Hey, Who are you?"
Entails: Their Name and personal information they are comfortable sharing,
and any other tidbits they would like to inform the reader of, see pronouns,
or their passions, or generally anything that does not fit into the other
parts of the interview

: "What do you do in Debian?"
Entails: Their preferred corner of Debian, whether they are part of any
specific team(s) and or, what specific work they enjoy contributing to

: "From all your work, do you have any specific cool story that you would
like covering?"
Entails: (OKAY maybe this one is just me but) anything interesting that they
might have to share from their time working on stuff in or away from Debian.

: "What are you currently focused on! anything you would like to throw focus
Entails: Open ended question for anyone to cover anything they could want
to, from some specific package to just a wide part of Debian.

: "Any opinions on what you do not like regarding the direction of Debian?"
Entails: Get opinions to offer alternative perspective to what might be the
assumed default idea of the project?

: "Any package you maintain that you would rather not?"
I guess this one is more for people with a lot of packages, but I think this
one would allow also for packages not to be orphaned for long hopefully?
Do you have a plan on how to conduct the interviews? videochat? irc? email?

Ideally / imho the interview would be more like a real dialogue, and less like
filling in a form.  Your questions could work very good as conversation

Anyway: Thanks a lot for working on this!



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