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Re: September Publicity Team meeting: Proposed dates and agenda.

Hi all!

Le mardi 26 septembre 2023 à 12:59 -0400, Donald Norwood a écrit :
> Hi Everyone!
> We are due for a team meeting as we missed last months meeting.
> This meeting will be held on IRC in our #debian-publicity channel on
> The times and dates proposed are 2023: Sep 29, Sep 30, Oct 2, and Oct3
> with 
> 1600, 1800, or 2000 hours as the respective times.
We have, Donald and me, encountered some difficulites to use
https://pad.riseup.net/p/Publicity_Team_meeting_agenda : we were quickly
deconnected after the input of just few words.

So I wonder if we could use instead gobby.debian.org, the Gobby server
of the debian project: I seen it have been used (satisfactily ?) during
the last DebConf by some teams to elaborate their talk/BoF (eg local-
groups - created by Paulo Henrique - or ruby-team). To access this
service, the installation of the Gobby package is required, and .... to
follow the instruction found in the Debian Wiki page:

It's quite simple: just a single command line.
There is already a Team/Publicity directory and a really old TODO file,
but I think it's easy to create a new one.

Best regards,

Jean-Pierre Giraud - jipege

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