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Debian Developers Conference (India) 06


We are Organising Debian Developers Conference in India for the
second year now along with foss.in ( http://www.foss.in/2006 ) from
Nov 24-26. Co-ordination page http://fci.wikia.com/wiki/Debian/Conf/06

We are planning to have BoF sessions on localisation, contribution to
Debian and Debian User. Also we will be demoing debian-live, Debian
Installer in Indian laguages.

We met this Sunday to discuss the co-ordination plans and had
Introductory sessions on Debian and debian-in (a sub-project to
support Debian in India Languages).


Looking forward to your participation


"Value your freedom, or you will lose it, teaches history.
`Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn."
        -- Richard Stallman
Me scribbles at http://www.pravi.co.nr

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