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Re: Problem With Debian Root Desktop

On Mon, Sep 25, 2023 at 08:47:12AM +0000, Saurav Sarkar wrote:
> Hi,
> I like to use Mate Desktop because it is almost different from other Desktop views.


As previously suggested, this is more a question for debian-user mailing list
than the whole Debian Project.

> And not giving the permission for right clicking on root's Desktop and not giving the permission of viewing the root's Desktop Icons is something like President of United States which is now Joe Biden can enter White House but do not have permissions to sit on chairs in White House and even do not have permissions to sit beside discussion table in White House.
> Or King Charles can enter Buckingham Palace but do not have permissions to sit on chairs, and even do not have permissions to lay down on bed or sleep on bed.

If you set up a normal non-root user and give them sudo privileges, you do
not _need_ root login inside a GUI.

As others have suggested, this is a significant security problem if you wish
to run a graphical environment as root.

> Even the root cannot give sound output, actually cannot sense the sound card in Debian 12.1.0.

*Which* sound care? What does the output from  dmesg say if run by root -
can you then check to find the sound device in the output?

> No problem with sounds in users in Debian 12.1.0.

Then the desktop is potentially working as designed.

> Rest is Debian Developers thought.
> Next time i will not go for Debian Linux even other linux distros may not have Mate Desktop still i will not go for Debian anymore.

I think you may find similar problems with any of the Debian derivatives which
all tend to work the same way. Likewise Fedora and the Red Hat derivatives -
all discourage calling a GUI as the root user.

> Bye,
> Regards,Saurav Sarkar+919830668794

With every good wish, as ever,

Andy Cater

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