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Bug#1043539: project: Forwarding of @debian.org mails to gmail broken

Helge Kreutzmann <debian@helgefjell.de> writes:

> It's just that I never had this problem with mails to people with
> @debian.org addresses, so either my new configuration or some other
> change, I don't know.

The problem I suspect is with email forwarding, and specifically email
forwarding to Gmail, which has recently ramped up the amount of
verification it does on messages.  Because of email forwarding, Gmail sees
a message purportedly from helgefjell.de but actually delivered by
debian.org mail servers, and has now decided to be suspicious of that.

If that's correct, you'll only have this problem with Debian developers
who forward their @debian.org addresses to Gmail.  Gmail handles some
large percentage of all email on the Internet, so this probably isn't
rare, but Debian developers are less likely to use it than random Internet
users for obvious reasons, so it doesn't surprise me you've not run into
the problem before.  (In other words, I doubt this is a problem with your
local configuration.)

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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