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Bug#907493: Timeout in autopkgtest also in Ubuntu Cosmic with Ghostscript 9.24

I have updated Ubuntu's Ghostscript from 9.23 to 9.24 as upstream recommended it highly for security reasons.

The autopkgtests all passed without problems for Ghostscript 9.23 on Ubuntu. On 9.24 I get a timeout on drv:///sample.drv/generic.ppd:

* Driver drv:///sample.drv/generic.ppd
 - Create test printer: done.
- Print test job with /usr/share/cups/data/classified.pdf: ...........................................................................................
utopkgtest [00:21:30]: ERROR: timed out on command "su -s /bin/bash root -c set -e; export USER=`id -nu`; . /etc/profile >/dev/null 2>&1 || true; . ~/.profile >/dev/null 2>&1 || true; buildtree="/tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/build.lFx/src"; mkdir -p -m 1777 -- "/tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/cups-artifacts"; export AUTOPKGTEST_ARTIFACTS="/tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/cups-artifacts"; export ADT_ARTIFACTS="$AUTOPKGTEST_ARTIFACTS"; mkdir -p -m 755 "/tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/autopkgtest_tmp"; export AUTOPKGTEST_TMP="/tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/autopkgtest_tmp"; export ADTTMP="$AUTOPKGTEST_TMP"; export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; export LANG=C.UTF-8; export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=1; unset LANGUAGE LC_CTYPE LC_NUMERIC LC_TIME LC_COLLATE LC_MONETARY LC_MESSAGES LC_PAPER LC_NAME LC_ADDRESS LC_TELEPHONE LC_MEASUREMENT LC_IDENTIFICATION LC_ALL;rm -f /tmp/autopkgtest_script_pid; set -C; echo $$ > /tmp/autopkgtest_script_pid; set +C; trap "rm -f /tmp/autopkgtest_script_pid" EXIT INT QUIT PIPE; cd "$buildtree"; export AUTOPKGTEST_NORMAL_USER=ubuntu; export ADT_NORMAL_USER=ubuntu; export 'ADT_TEST_TRIGGERS=ghostscript/9.24~dfsg+1-0ubuntu1'; chmod +x /tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/build.lFx/src/debian/tests/cups; touch /tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/cups-stdout /tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/cups-stderr; /tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/build.lFx/src/debian/tests/cups 2> >(tee -a /tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/cups-stderr >&2) > >(tee -a /tmp/autopkgtest.RrEJnT/cups-stdout);" (kind: test)

Was there already found a solution for Debian?

If yes, what has been done?

Upstream commit 150c8f69646 (Bug 699658(related): Move recording of temp file names into C) is the very last upstream commit which made it into the 9.24 release.



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