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Bug#860591: cups-daemon: Job enters queue, then stops and can't be removed

Ben - a request. Bug reports below a certain size come through to
debian-printing and I get them by SMTP. It is better to compress
log files, otherwise I have to go looking for the CC.

On Thu 20 Apr 2017 at 21:03:08 +1000, Ben Finney wrote:

> Well, now I have slightly different behaviour without changing CUPS
> version. I don't know what could explain the difference, but I see
> this behaviour now:

Isn't life interesting? :)

> * Restart the ‘cups’ service.
> * Use gnome-control-center to submit a test page job to ‘testq’.
>   * The job appears in the ‘testq’ queue.
>   * The job is shown as “Processing”.
>   * The ‘~/testq-out’ file appears.
>   * The job disappears from the ‘testq’ queue.

A log should be very similar to the one for the Samsung SCX-4623 Series
queue as regards the filters used. I'd advise printing to testq quite a
few times to ensure it continues to work.

> * Use gnome-control center to submit a test page job to ‘Samsung
>   SCX-4623 Series’ queue.
>   * The job appears in the ‘testq’ queue.
>   * The job is shown as “Processing”.
>   * The printer remains inactive.
> So the ‘testq’ queue works now, while the ‘Samsung SCX-4623 Series’
> queue exhibits the same failure.
> I have attached the corresponding ‘/var/log/error_log’.

Job 68 is the one of interest.

D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] argv[0]="SCX-4623-Series"

The queue name.

D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] argv[3]="Test page"

The job name.

I [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf (PID 20520)
I [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf (PID 20521)
I [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster (PID 20522)
I [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoqpdl (PID 20523)
I [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 20524)

The filters and backend used.

D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] SpliX SpliX filter V. 2.0.0 by Aurélien Croc (AP²C)

Confirmation of the printer driver used.

D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Printing on printer with URI: usb://Samsung/SCX-4623%20Series?serial=Z2WUBFFZ300396N&interface=1
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] libusb_get_device_list=9
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Waiting for printer to become available.
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Set job-printer-state-message to "Waiting for printer to become available.", current level=INFO


D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] PID 20520 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/bannertopdf) exited with no errors.
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] PID 20521 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftopdf) exited with no errors.


D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Start rendering...
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Set job-printer-state-message to "Start rendering...", current level=INFO
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:03 +1000] [Job 68] Processing page 1...

We are off to the races!

D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:04 +1000] [Job 68] PID 20522 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/gstoraster) exited with no errors.

That's good. But where is rastertoqpdl exiting? Job 70 uses it.

D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:04 +1000] [Job 68] SpliX Page 1 has been compressed and is ready for rendering
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:04 +1000] [Job 68] SpliX Compression thread: work done. See ya
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:08 +1000] [Job 68] libusb_get_device_list=9
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:08 +1000] [Job 68] Waiting for printer to become available.
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:08 +1000] [Job 68] Set job-printer-state-message to "Waiting for printer to become available.", current level=INFO
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:13 +1000] [Job 68] libusb_get_device_list=9
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:13 +1000] [Job 68] Waiting for printer to become available.
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:18 +1000] [Job 68] libusb_get_device_list=9
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:18 +1000] [Job 68] Waiting for printer to become available.
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:23 +1000] [Job 68] libusb_get_device_list=9
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:23 +1000] [Job 68] Waiting for printer to become available.
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:28 +1000] [Job 68] libusb_get_device_list=9
D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:28 +1000] [Job 68] Waiting for printer to become available.

Very worrying.

D [20/Apr/2017:20:51:33 +1000] [Job 68] Unloading...

CUPS gives up. A USB problem? A Printer problem?

More testing, I'm afraid.

Take the file in your $HOME produced by testq. The file utility should
identify it as "HP Printer Job Language data". Send it directly to the
printer with

  cat <printer-ready_file> > /dev/usb/lp0

Does it print?

Also send the same file with

  lp -d <SCX-4623 Series queue> -o raw <printer-ready_file>

Does it print?



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