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Re: Apple raster, PWG raster and non-free filters/drivers

On 12/21/2016 05:27 PM, Brian Potkin wrote:
This was a main part of what I wanted. I think you are saying that if
avahi-browse shows image/pwg-raster the rule-of-thumb would indicate it
is an Everywhere printer.

Yes, that is what I wanted to say:

image/pwg-raster -> IPP Everywhere
image/urf        -> AirPrint

That still leaves (for me) the lack of information in a vendor's
literature. Taking the Lexmark CS720de as an example. It's specs do not
mention pwg, so how is a user to know it could be an Everywhere printer?
How did you get to learn it had image/pwg-raster support?

I know about this only from my phone call with Aveek Basu from Lexmark. He has used this printer to test my newest developments. He simply installed all the latest and greatest following instructions which I have sent him and said printer showed up supporting image/pwg-raster. After setting it up using the driverless methods it ended up printing PDF because it also understands PDF and PDF is the preferred format.

This means that the current printing stack auto-detects driverless printers and uses them as such, but if you did not buy the printer yet you still do not know whether it works driverless if the manufacturer does not tell so.

A final point. The quality of printing using driverless methods in all
cirumstances on Debian and Ubuntu is as yet untested extensively. My
experience so far has been good but there is more testing to do.

Print quality depends a lot on how well the manufacturers implement their driverless printing mode. Especially whether they correctly calibrate SRGB in the printer, and whether their driverless mode uses the same resolutions, color depth, and printer-internal processing as their classic mode using a driver.

With drivers higher image qualities can also be reached by doing an additional image processing between the app and the printer, especially third-party drivers like Gutenprint can so so.


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