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Bug#794654: cups-browsed: UDS permissions check always fails in Debian

Control: tags -1 +upstream

Hi Raphael,

Le mercredi, 5 août 2015, 14.50:35 Raphael Geissert a écrit :
> cups-browsed checks the permissions of cups' unix socket, looking for
> IRWXO. Not only it appears to be useless to check for the execute bit,
> but this check always fails with the default Debian config; which
> makes cups-browsed use a TCP socket instead of the unix one.
> Attached patch makes cups-browsed check only for read and write
> permissions on the unix socket.

This looks like the https://cups.org/str.php?L4679 , we should probably 
fix this identically in cups-browsed.

Till: opinions?


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