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Bug#712512: simple test case

A small update. I have just written two extremely simple postscript


100 100 moveto
200 200 lineto

and simple2.ps:-

350 050 moveto
050 350 lineto

If I print them in sequence, the bug shows up:-

lpr simple1.ps              (prints correctly)
lpr simple2.ps              (prints some of the PJL commands)

Running simple2.ps through ghostscript via
 gs -sDEVICE=hl1250 -sOutputFile=simple2.pcl -r1200x600  simple2.ps
and running strings on simple2.pcl shows the PJL commands some
of which get printed on the page instead of the graphics:

$ strings simple2.pcl

@PJL SET MEDIATYPE=REGULAR      <== part of this line is printed
@PJL SET SOURCETRAY=AUTO        <== all printed with offset on 2nd line
@PJL SET RESOLUTION=600         <== printed on 3rd line with > offset
@PJL SET RAS1200MODE=ON         <== 7 leading characters printed on RHS
%-12345X@PJL EOJ NAME="Ghost"

Of course, simple2.pcl is really a mixture of JPL and PCL.
Mind you, presumably the bug is in "simple1.pcl" which has not correctly
terminated its job leaving the printer in the wrong state to accept 

I next want to try sending the files from ghostscript directly to the
printer without involving cups at all. Presumably if the bug still shows
up, it has to be a gs bug.

I have had little time for this so haven't yet tried to get cups to
print to a file again, or discover where systemd has hidden it :-(

I have yet to read the pcl manual (at least I have it now). After that I
guess that I may be able to parse simple1.pcl to see if the PCL commands
are properly terminating. IF they are and the direct ghostscript
experiment succeeds, then I guess cups/foomatic/whatever must be at

Unfortunately I will be away from this printer for several weeks very
soon, so this story may be interrupted by a long delay ...

As I have said before, all this used to work without problems, but
1 or more years ago.


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