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Bug#329027: The PPD files are fine, the bug is in whatever is processing them

gpe <gpe92@free.fr> writes:

> I've recompile the 4.3.99+cvs20060521-1 version on my testing but
> there is a problem during the installation. It stays freeze on this
> line:
> Writing /usr/share/cups/model/gutenprint/5.0/en/stp-xerox-dc_400.5.0.ppd.gz...
> I've thought to a space problem on the disk but no there is enough
> space on it.  I don't know what I can do, kill Synaptic?

Just hit Ctrl-C, or kill the cups-genppdupdate process.

This is Bug #368446.  You can try the test packages here:


These should fix the freeze; I'll upload them tomorrow one the fix is


Roger Leigh
                Printing on GNU/Linux?  http://gutenprint.sourceforge.net/
                Debian GNU/Linux        http://www.debian.org/
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