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Re: Repository address for netinst

In my experience archive.debian.org works well if you are not worried about security updates.


Il 19/04/20 11:42, Gianluca Bonetti ha scritto:
Hi Rick

What about this?
deb http //archive.debian.org/debian/ <http://archive.debian.org/debian/> jessie contrib main non-free

Does it work for you?


Il giorno dom 19 apr 2020 alle ore 11:35 Rick Thomas <rick.thomas@pobox.com <mailto:rick.thomas@pobox.com>> ha scritto:

    Hi Gianluca,

    Colton (and I) want to use Jessie (Debian 8) because it is the last
working Debian version that supports powerpc and ppc64. Unfortunately, the repo at
    http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports/ only has unreleased,
    unstable, and experimental.  Nothing there that looks like it is
    usable for jessie.

    Adrian's work on getting a "ports" version for Debian 10 is still a
work-in-progress and not yet suitable for a "production" machine. There's a bunch of us helping with the effort, and we are hopeful we
    can get it going soon.  Big kudos to Adrian for spearheading the effort!


    On Sat, Apr 18, 2020, at 1:22 PM, Gianluca Bonetti wrote:
    Hi Colton

    Have you tried a newer installer image from here?

    Then I think you can use this line in sources.list
    deb http://ftp.ports.debian.org/debian-ports/ unstable main

    At least I was using that if I remember correctly

    Il giorno sab 18 apr 2020 alle ore 21:14 Colton Booth
    <colton@boothlinux.ca <mailto:colton@boothlinux.ca>> ha scritto:

        Good day everyone,

        I was wondering if someone could please point me in the
        direction of a repository to use with Debian 8 PowerPC
        netinst? Due to brittle plastics my iBook G4 is going to be
        staying with its original CD drive and will not be able to use

        I would also like to set up my own repository server in the
        near future and make it available to the public. I am
        currently gathering the hardware and should be set up sometime
        next week.

        Thank you,


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