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Re: Fwd: video conference software for debian ppc

Piotr Kopszak wrote:
> Great, I know of these programs, I know they should work. I was just
> interested what people are using on day to day basis and what has really
> proven usable on linux ppc. So is anybody video-conferencing between linux
> ppc and windows here?

Try QuteCom, not CuteCom ;^), former WengoPhone.
Used Ekiga some time ago for linux (ppc) - linux (x86) voice. For 3.0
there's even a Windows client.
On Windows you could always use NetMeeting (unless using Vista Home),
and some H.323-aware software on Linux.
Your question's not really PowerPC-specific.

P.S. No need to reply to me directly - I read the list.



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