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Re: bcm43xx, second connection to network

On Tuesday 13 March 2007 15:32, Felix Rublack wrote:
> Eugen Dedu schrieb:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I own a PB with an Airport Extreme card.  When I connect the first time
> > (for ex. ifconfig eth1 up ; iwconfig eth1 essid ZZZ ; dhclient) to a
> > wi-fi network, the Airport Extreme works ok.  But when I go to another
> > network (go home for ex.), I execute ifconfig eth1 up ; iwconfig eth1
> > essid XXX key YYY and it associates successfully (as shown by iwconfig).
> >  However, dhclient does not work (no DHCPACK).
> >
> > In brief, dhclient does not work for me when my AE has already
> > associated to another network.  How to make it work to a second network
> > too?
> >
> > Friendly,
> Hello Eugen,
> I have the same problem as you. I only remove and reload the bcm43xx on
> every connection. This also fixes a problem with transmit timeouts. This
> isn't a real solution, but it works.

It never does the same thing twice, at times I'd be lucky enought  to get away 
with just 'ifdown somedevice' (depends on the last location and network 
device) and then 'ifup eth1=networkname' (and this better not be the same 
essid as the last, then modules has to be reloaded).

Others stories is that i have to reload the modules to get any reading at all, 
and those sweet times I just open the lid and it works out of the box (I 
seriously need more of these!!!).

I got these special moments when I recieve IP and of course does not have any 
signal strenght (yeah go figure. and no this is not the last ip from the 
former router), and not to forget those times I actually have signal strength 
and can't get a friggin IP ( witch is the times I reload the modules).

Of course, I also experience the times my F****** kernel F******** modules, 
reloaded or not, never ever connects to anything (yup with the signal 
strenght at 100%, witch makes me kinda' pissed, reboots and check kernel.org 
for updates (for of course this time 'ifup eth1=network' works flawlessly)

Other than that and the minor itch of 54g... bcm43xx driver works fine.

> Best Regards
> Felix Rublack

Kennel Arivene 

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