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Re: new g5 dual core macs

Am Dienstag, den 20.06.2006, 21:09 +1000 schrieb Benjamin Herrenschmidt:
> On Mon, 2006-06-19 at 18:07 +0200, Thorsten Johannvorderbrueggen wrote:
> > hello all,
> > 
> > does anybody know, if the new g5 dual core powermacs can run linux. i
> > googled around and found only task, who said, that it wont run linux.
> > but there are all 3 or 4 months old. 
> Which "new" ones ? You mean the ones released last year or did Apple
> release a new bunch that I have missed ? (I've not been close to Apple
> news lately)
> Dual core macs should run linux fine, unless there are new models I
> haven't heard of.
> Ben.

hello ben,

which debian do you use? --> the 32 bit or the ppc64 port?


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