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Re: [patch] Re: Installing on a Dual CPU G5 Powermac?

On Wed, Jan 05, 2005 at 10:09:15PM -0800, Shyamal Prasad wrote:
>     "Sven" == Sven Luther <sven.luther@wanadoo.fr> writes:
>     Sven> On Mon, Jan 03, 2005 at 11:05:19AM -0800, Shyamal Prasad
>     Sven> wrote:
>     >> Sorry to bother you again. It seems that the last d-i powerpc
>     >> daily build was on Dec 31. Any idea what is sticking?
>     Sven> Because debiandoc-sgml was breaking my daily-build
>     Sven> script. Fixed now, and just did an upload earlier. tomorrow
>     Sven> everything should be back to normal.
> Heh...cdimage.debian.org died (power supply failure) while I was

Well, we don't care, since the daily built are on people.debian.org (gluck).

> donwloading. I finally got the Jan 4 build today after the system was
> repaired: it seems to work fine (I did not complete the install;
> vacation is over, my real job is back, time is short :-)

Ok, cool.

> The machine is running from my previous hacked install, but I really
> want to try out the new installer. I'll certainly submit an
> installation report when I'm done.

Ok, please do it.

> Thanks for getting this fixed so quickly!
> <babble> I have purchased 5 pre built computers in the last 12 years,
> with the last one being this Apple G5 (all others were x86). Each and
> everyone of them required some hacking to get Linux to boot, four out
> of the five required me to patch the kernel just to boot them, the
> other one had it's IDE channel at an odd address. I've installed Linux
> for many other people, and at work and it's always been painless in
> those cases! Just my own machines are never easy....I must be
> jinxed......;-) </babble>

Hehe, well, you buy too new hardware i would say. 


Sven Luther

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