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Re: X shall power off my backlight on my iBook2 (Rage128)

On Oct 09 2002, Claas Langbehn wrote:
> So how do I tell XFree86 4.x.y to not just blank the screen?
> I want it to power off the backlight, too.

	Perhaps you could use xset's dpms option?

> Do I need a special version of XFree86? Which version would be best?

	I seem to remember that you'd need an X server with
	appropriate patches for the Rage128 (like those from Michel).
	I don't know if those patches are already included in
	Branden's 4.2.1.

	[]s, Roger...

 Rogério Brito - rbrito@users.sf.net - http://www.ime.usp.br/~rbrito

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