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Re: iBook and playing DVDs

On  10 May, this message from Rogério Brito echoed through cyberspace:
> 	Well, I'm not having luck getting my iBook 600MHz playing DVDs
> 	in a decent way.

I think you're quite lucky with what you get ;-)

> 	I have woody installed in this iBook and, with xine (0.9.8), I
> 	get a reasonable playback, with around 15% of dropped frames
> 	and with ugly interlaced frames. Enabling the onefield_xv
> 	deinterlace method works and makes the DVD more or less
> 	watchable, though during some stages, I can see artifacts on
> 	the image due to excessive frames being dropped.

This is probably as good as it gets right now. I don't think you can do
better without using the r128's hardware accelerated iDCT and MC.

> 	I can't get vlc 0.3.0 working well here, because there are
> 	issues with the sound (probably due to endianness problems,
> 	although I'm not really sure). I already tried telling vlc all
> 	different possibilities for endianness or signedness of the
> 	output, but I don't know if the menu is functional, as I saw
> 	little changes when I played with that option. Enabling the
> 	diagnostics seems to suggest that not all frames are played.

vlc has had sound problems for quite a while. Here's what Jack Howarth
said re. vlc's audio settings:

>     On my debian sid machine running benh's current kernel and
> alsa 0.9beta12 I was able to get audio working under alsa, esd and
> oss. You have to select 3, the 16 bit signed big endian output from
> the audio preference section for that to work. I notified Samuel
> Hocevar and he is going to try to do something about the default, 0,
> native endian code so that it picks up 16 bit big endian on ppc.
> The audio problems with bursts of static aren't ppc specific.
> There has been and still is a audio starvation problem in vlc
> but according to Sam no one has the guts and/or time to rip into
> that code yet.
[ end quote]

I haven't tried this myself.

> 	The output of mplayer shows the amount of time it spends
> 	decoding the frames, showing the frames and dealing with
> 	audio. I notice that the percentage of time it spends with
> 	video output is quite high in comparison to my Celeron 466MHz
> 	(I'll make further tests).

That's essentially because of MTRR on i386. I wouldn't know hard numbers
to compare, but at least subjectivly, MTRR helps a lot for the copy to
VRAM of the video out data.

> 	I tried installing Michel's XFree 4.2.0 binaries and they seem
> 	to make xine work better, dropping around 6 frames less than
> 	with woody's X
> 	On the other hand, DRI (which, I heard, is supposed to enable
> 	DMA transfers to video) wasn't enabled with XFree 4.2.0

Note that for DMA you need DRI, which needs large amounts of VRAM. So
you may only be able to use that in 16-bit mode. I'm usually running in
32-bit mode :(

> 	I have already tried many things that I could think of, but I
> 	am starting to think that the possibilities are almost
> 	exhausted.  :-(

You've got it :-) No, there are a few things that still can be done:

- get ATI to open the specs for iDCT and MC in hardware. Won't happen
  anytime soon.

- optimize a few of the more processor-intensive parts of the algorithms
  with handcoded ASM. Good luck...

- use DMA: that should be doable with the right pieces of code.



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
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email   mlan@cpu.lu            |
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