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[Popcon-developers] popcon page renders like the old style of the main debian website

On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 12:41:28PM +0100, St?phane Blondon wrote:
> >> I saw a (probably very old) minor bug: the stats images are cutted at
> >> the bottom and the 'i486' string is not properly displayed. The bottom
> >> line of the square around the legend is not displayed too. Do you
> >> think it's hard to fix?
> >
> > The problem is that there are too many architectures to fit in the image.
> > So either I increase the height of the image, or remove some architectures.
> > Neither options are very appealing.
> Do you have to have increase the height a lot? Are There other
> architectures not displayed?

As an experiment, I have increased the height by 100px. 

> I found the 'i486' is included in the image but it's not in the list
> at the left of the image.

This is because there are no more entries for that architecture.
However i486, *** and dpkg were bogus, so I removed them.

Now we have the same issue with "version in use"

> If it's the only architecture not properly displayed, perhaps removing
> the black rectangle around the legend would be enough (the first
> architecture will be upper in the picture so every others
> architectures will be upper in the picture.)
> Others solutions (?):
>  - the architectures in the picture could be on two columns;
>  - removing the architectures in the picture, and using the color at
> the matching architecture in the left column. (probably more complex
> and the missing i486 architecture in the left column is a problem).

I use libchart-perl, and I do not think such options exist.

Bill. <ballombe at debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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