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[Popcon-developers] HTTP submit protocol rewritten, need testers

I recently tried to set up my own popcon HTTP receiver, by using the
ubuntu python script (wanted to store directly on disk instead of
sending email).  In the process, I discovered that the popcon-upload
client in version 1.30 was incompatible with the ubuntu upload script.

I investigated further, and found out that the protocol used by the
ubuntu upload script is the normal CGI way of handling file uploads,
while the debian upload script uses some home brewed protocol.  As I
prefer to use standard protocols when possible, I decided to rewrite
the debian upload script and receiver to handle the normal file upload

This is now done, and a test script is available from
<URL:http://popcon.debian.org/cgi-bin/popcon-submit.cgi>.  This script
is capable of receiving reports from both the old and the new upload
script, as well as the ubuntu upload script.  The ubuntu upload script
is not using compression.

But there seem to be some bug in the upload script.  Uploading using
the new popcon-upload script take 16 seconds, while using the ubuntu
script only take 2 seconds.  I do not believe the difference can be
the result of compression, but fail to find any other reason.  Anyone
got a clue?

To test the new script, the following formula can be used:

  time popconcvs/popularity-contest/popcon-upload -d \
    -u http://popcon.debian.org/cgi-bin/popcon-submit.cgi \
    < /var/log/popularity-contest

To test with the ubuntu script (also in popconcvs) the script need to
be modified to use the new URL.

I welcome testers.  Let me know if you run into problems.

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