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[Popcon-developers] Re: annoucing popcon.d.o ?

[Bill Allombert]
> The draft is below. does it look right for you ?

I would like to mention a bit more about the uses of popcon, and as an
example give the reported arch distribution.  I hope that will make
more people install popularity-contest.  Something like this:

  Hello Debian-www,

  On behalf of the popularity-contest project, I would like to
  announce that it is now a somewhat official Debian project, since it
  is now hosted at <http://popcon.debian.org>.

  Probably, it would be good idea to link it from the main Debian web site.

  popularity-contest report info on the packages installed on machines
  running Debian.  This information is for example used to make sure
  the most popular packages are on the first CDs when making Debian CD
  releases.  It also collect info about the architectures used.  Here
  is the current distribution (1649 total):

     0.06% mips
     0.12% alpha
     0.49% sparc
     1.09% powerpc
    29.41% UNDEFINED (probably Woody, as that version do not report arch)
    68.82% i386

  We would like to thanks Martin Michlmayr and James Troup for their
  involvement in setting the new website.

  Bill Allombert and Petter Reinholdtsen.

I generated this using this script, and edited it to group all
i386-entries together

# Author:  Petter Reinholdtsen
# Date:    2004-01-23
# Lisence: GPL

use strict;
use warnings;

my %arch_hist;
my $total = 0;

sub parse_file {
    my $filename = shift;
    open(F, "<$filename") || die "Unable to read $filename";
    my $header = <F>;
    close F;
    my ($arch) = $header =~ m/ARCH:(\S+)\s/;
    $arch = "UNDEFINED" unless (defined $arch);
    $arch_hist{$arch} = 0 unless defined $arch_hist{$arch};

my $f;
for $f (</org/popcon.debian.org/popcon-mail/popcon-entries/*/*>) {
    parse_file $f;

my $arch;
for $arch (sort {$arch_hist{$a} <=> $arch_hist{$b} } keys %arch_hist) {
    my $fraction = 100.0 * $arch_hist{$arch} / $total;
    printf "%5d %5.2f %s\n", $arch_hist{$arch}, $fraction, $arch;
print "\nTotal: $total\n";

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