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Re: Documentation: Explaining "porterbox" better

On Tue, 19 Oct 2010, Asheesh Laroia wrote:

> * Make section "4.4.6. chroots to different distributions" be 4.4.1, 
> since the existence and use of porterboxes is probably something fewer 
> people are familiar with

That entire section looks horribly out of date anyway.  I find the
promise of backing up user data particularly dangerous.  Or funny.  And
people isn't in the US anyway.

> * rename it from "chroots to different distributions" to "porterboxes  
> provide chroots to different distributions"

It doesn't provide different distributions at all.  All it does is
debian.  We usually have different suites of that tho.

> * link to http://dsa.debian.org/doc/install-req/ and explain why people  
> might want to install packages in a chroot

erm.  what's there to explain.

> * https://db.debian.org/machines.cgi will be changed so that, above the  
> "summary", this text appears: "Read more about the Debian Machines in the 
> Developer's Reference." It will link to  
> http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/resources.html#server-machines 

Should the dev-ref ever be less wrong I won't mind adding a link to it.

> By doing that, we define the term "porterbox", too, which is nice.

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      Peter Palfrader      | : :' :      The  universal
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