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Policy 3.9.1 planning

We've accumulated quite a list of changes for the next release, and I'd
like to get out another Debian Policy release before Debconf.  Since I'm
going to be travelling weekend after next (to Debconf), that means I'm
currently tentatively planning a release next weekend.

As usual, this depends on whether I can find the time to get the Lintian
updates done for the synchronized upload, although so far things are
looking reasonably good.

If there's anything that you urgently want to see in 3.9.1, please propose
wording now or do wording reviews now.  I'm leaning towards sticking with
3.9.1 for the version number (not 3.10.0) because while we have a lot of
changes, they're mostly documentation of existing practices and don't
include anything quite as significant as the Breaks/Conflicts changes or
architecture wildcard changes in the last release.

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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