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Re: Bug#282067: yes!

Hash: SHA1

martin f krafft <madduck@debian.org> writes:

> also sprach Wouter Verhelst <wouter@debian.org> [2004.12.21.1531 +0100]:
>> > You are failing to acknowledge Debian's position wrt to innovation.
>> > Upstream will change after the FHS changed. The FHS will change
>> > after Debian showed them the benefits.
>> What benefits?
> Less clutter in ~ in the long run. More order in the hierarchy.

And security.  All your config files are under a single directory.
With ~/etc, I can make my ~ 0755 and ~/etc 0700.  You could set the
perms individually for each dotfile, but this way you have more safety
(as for ~/.gnupg and ~/.ssh).  0700 could be the default for

This begs the question: what about files meant to be globally readable
like .plan?  I guess these aren't too important, since you can always
relax the permissions.

Keeping config files in CVS is also easier with ~/etc, since I might
want other stuff in ~ under separate version control.

Another benefit is uniformity for programmers.  If the configfile is
$location/$PACKAGE/configfile, simply substititing $location with a
list of search locations will work, rather than special-casing
dotfiles.  For example, you can substite $sysconfdir, $datadir and ~.

I think ~/etc is a good idea, but the migration would need to be very
well coordinated.  I guess this implies a lot of Debian-specific
patches in the first instance.  Since this has come in as an LSB
requirement, how are other distributions going to manage this?  And
what about non-Linux distributions?  If we did force this change, we
do stand to sacrifice a lot of goodwill, so unless the benefits really
stand out, is it really worth it?


- -- 
Roger Leigh
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