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Bug#143941: define a usable character set for description/maintainer name etc.

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> cum veritate scripsit:


> 	Can the debian packaging tools handle UTF-8 characters? Would
>  apt-cache show be able to display the description for the package on
>  the console or in a xterm? As far as I know, UTF-8 is not as
>  widespread as one would hope.

The benefit of UTF-8 is that it does not break existing software.
It won't be displayed correctly on current xterm, but 
uxterm can display it.

It would be nice to have apt-cache etc. support character set 
conversion, but it is not absolutely required.

> 	If that is the case, we should defer this move until after
>  better UTF adaption. (I don't know -- I use en_US.UTF-8, but I have
>  no idea what this change would entail for other locales).

I think it is better to define a usable set of characters, 
than leave it as it is. The current situation is undesirable in that
some maintainers are putting in random latin-1 characters,
which does break in other locales.


dancer@debian.org : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
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