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Re: Source package policy problem.

>>"Adam" == Adam McKenna <adam@debian.org> writes:

 Adam> I am trying to make a source package of daemontools by Dan
 Adam> Bernstein.  Since there is no license for distributing the
 Adam> source, I have made my source package an installer package.

      Cool. That means your package does not contain any of
Bernstiens source package, but downloads it on the fly and patches and
compiles? (That is, BTW, the definition of an installer package, more
or less) 

 Adam> The only problem I have is the Debian .diff file.  Currently, I
 Adam> am generating the .diff file, the source .deb, and a binary
 Adam> .deb from one source tree.  My problem is this: Since there are
 Adam> no redistribution terms on the source, I cannot upload the
 Adam> .orig.tar.gz file, which will undoubtedly be referred to in the
 Adam> signed .dsc file.  My only options appear to be the following:

	Uhh, why are there no redistribution terms on your package?
 (and since you do not in any way, shape, or form include Dan's
 code, your code is all that is in the  package)

	Incidentally, why is there an orig.tar.gz? An installer
 package should be a debian only package.

	I hope you are not compiling binaries and putting them in your
 package, for that would be in violation of common Dan bernstien

	I suggest you ask in Debian mentors if you have questions
 about this post.

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 chow hall for over two centuries and wakes up in a world populated by
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Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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